A had been struggling with alcohol dependency for several years and had financial challenges with unmanaged debt. Faced with homelessness, they were referred to Camfield and in addition to providing accommodation, our support worker developed a full plan which included twice weekly 1:1 meetings, attendance at a local Alcoholics Anonymous group and also signposting a bereavement counselling service to help with them dealing with the loss of someone close.

Our support plan was broad and also included a focus on hobbies and interests as a key element of looking beyond the immediate challenges they were facing. With A’s keen interest in the arts, our support worker facilitated an introduction to the Ifield Barn theatre where our resident has become an active group member, involved in several productions.

We also made referrals to access a weekly free meal and food parcels during a time of financial stress. Finally we have supported them with debt management, helping them to contact lenders to negotiate affordable repayment schedules. Whilst there are several steps still to take to achieve full readiness for independent living, the support provided has been key in the journey so far.